Nothing to fear…but GOVERNMENT itself!

This video is based on the assumption that the nation state system of government is the source of all evil. This assumption is false to history and this video must be considered propaganda in support of false historical epistemology.

It is the continued influence of the old oligarchic empire system on the nation state system that is the problem.

All government is not oligarchy. It is the power of oligarchy over government that continues to destroy the creative potential of humanity. The political reforms that became known as the nation state system of democratic republics are incomplete.

The nation state system evolved out of the rejection of the old imperial system of empire. Humanity longed for a society where natural and physical law principles guided the political organization of civilization.

Many reforms throughout history have attempted to overthrow the war, slavery and genocide that has dominated the policies of the empire method of running human relations—but these reforms have continued to fall short of their goals.

I can only assume that the authors of this video are misguided into believing in an anarchist ideology that will work toward destroying any potential for the nation state system to further reform the old empire system. After the nation state system is destroyed then the empire system will finally have the total power to enslave all humanity into never-ending genocidal warfare and poverty.

Let us work toward a future where our nation and other nations finally extract the self-destructive policies of oligarchy. This video is not helpful toward that goal.

Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.