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Walker’s climate change team seeks steep greenhouse gas reductions

What the Climate Action Leadership Team final report proves is that the authors have no knowledge of physical economy. Even though I admire some of the people involved in this study it is my role to critically judge their recommendations.

Their report advocates wind mills, solar panels and carbon taxes as solutions to climate change.

Promoting backward technologies and aiding Wall Street in the process of creating a new asset bubble in energy futures are not the solutions that are in the interest of human populations faced with a changing climate.

From the point of view of someone who has been building infrastructure and industrial productive capacity for the past 42 years, the agenda of promoting wind mills, bio-mass, solar panels and carbon taxes under the guise of climate change proves their ignorance of the basic principles of industrial science—I have helped to build hundreds of industrial sites and I am currently in Levelock Alaska building a fish processing plant.

Oil companies and their financial interests who influence government policy know that truly competitive qualitatively transforming technologies will disrupt their income flows so they promote controlled opposition technologies and Wall Street gambling schemes that do not have the physical ability to transform current productive capacity.

They fear a future World that uses clean fusion/hydrogen/electric as the primary modes of production so billions of dollars are spent to promote inefficient technologies that can work but do not act to financially disrupt the current environmentally damaging industrial productive capacity. Only truly modern technologies have the ability to substantially improve the living conditions for plants, animals and humans on our planet earth.

The Alaska Climate Action Leadership Team may have honest intentions but has not considered using truly modern technologies because they have no knowledge of the principles of industrial science.

Any common person who is looking at this issue should question why a Climate Action Leadership Team is being given the ability to determine industrial policy for Alaska—which is an area they clearly are not qualified to judge.

Even though they have a few interesting recommendations in their report, such as increasing electrification, the recklessly false solutions promoted by this climate change political lobby will continue to distract us away from the actual workable solutions based on the time-proven science of technology.

Science should inform public policy not oil company controlled opposition propaganda and oligarchic financial scheming.

Alaska should be building the platform to promote and profit from modern technologies not permanently cripple our future with backward propaganda. Alaska should be investing in the complementary and stepping-stone technologies for creating the in-depth logistical capabilities necessary for participating in a future fusion economy that is committed to sea and space exploration.

Establishing a “Green Bank” that rejects the basic principles of industrial science is one of the worst parts of this proposal. If we continue to invest in backward technologies, a never-ending series of financial and industrial failures will debt-pyramid the future of Alaska.

A competent industrial policy for Alaska would create the platform for participating in a fusion/hydrogen/electric economy through promoting plasma processing for primary reduction of strategic minerals, plasma processing for clean fuels, and plasma processing for capital goods production. This policy is clearly identified in the 10-part series titled the Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization.

Part 10 of this series is the advocacy for creating the Alaska State Bank as a true development bank.

The draft legislation for this bank includes investing using the basic principles of industrial science and efficiency as identified in the following alphabetically ordered list from the 2018 House Bill 376: amperage, brightness, British thermal units, clarity, conductivity, dynamics, electrification, energy coherence, energy conversion, energy flux density, horsepower, intelligence, joules, luminosity, machine tool principle, miniaturization, newtons, plasma coherence, potential population density, principle of least action, productivity, qualitative transformation, radiancy, reliability, renewability, self-organization, sustainability, thermal efficiency, throughput, torque, transparency, volumetric energy density, volumetric energy efficiency, voltage, wattage, and work flux density.

Let us consider these principles of industrial science based on the science of technology and reject authors who have no knowledge of physical economy. My recommendation is to reject this report and begin again using the knowledge of industrial science.

More information is available at the Alaska State Bank Advocate Facebook page:

Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.