Jonathan King represents the crippled thinking of the British System of political economy and represents a complete ignorance of the Alaska State Bank proposal to access federal monetary policy.

Jonathan King represents the crippled thinking of the British System of political economy and represents a complete ignorance of the Alaska State Bank proposal to access federal monetary policy. I wonder if he even considers the selling of Alaska’s oil far below “world average government take” is a factor.

Jonathan King’s use of linear functions in an attempt to understand the negentropic functions of an economy has been one of the favored methods of protecting oligarchic interests ever since the British East India Company taught their stupid ideology to their employees and the subjects of the British Empire.

The United States advanced as an agricultural and industrial superpower by rejecting the British System of political economy. Let us fight today to return our nation to the American System.

The solution to Alaska’s economic decline is the same solution necessary to rebuild our nation. Reject the cultural pessimism of incompetent economists and create the financial mechanisms necessary to leverage federal, state, municipal and port authority bonds, grants and shares through new discount windows at the United States Federal Reserve.

Leveraging 5 billion dollars a year in bonds, grants and shares through federal monetary policy using a new Alaska State Bank solves Alaska’s current budgetary and economic crisis.

Only a science, technology, infrastructure and education-led recovery based on asserting Hamiltonian American System sovereignty over our financial system has the potential to create a new renaissance.

Alaskans who understand economic history know that the fight to use the Alaska State Bank to access federal monetary policy is the fight for the survival our state and nation.

Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.