You are currently viewing The current oversupply of Anchorage mayoral candidates reminds me of a circus clown car filled with idiots preparing to drive off a deadly cliff.

The current oversupply of Anchorage mayoral candidates reminds me of a circus clown car filled with idiots preparing to drive off a deadly cliff.

Is any one of these candidates willing to get out of the clown car and become a national historical leader?

Our city and our nation require the leveraged sale of zero-interest, 50-100 year maturity, state, municipal and port authority infrastructure bonds sold to a new Federal Reserve discount window. There is currently no other practical solution to the economic calamity facing our city and nation.

Now is the time to exit the clown car and begin discussing municipal cooperation in federal infrastructure bonds sales with our governor and legislature.

Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.