Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization:
Review and Introduction to Part 7a
In 1971, it became clear that the Bretton Woods monetary agreements negotiated in 1944 had collapsed. As the remaining structures of the Bretton Woods system were deregulated and stumbled fromcrises to crises, the debt was papered over each time, providing the illusion of economic recovery. In 1971, a new period of financial warfare began between the constitutional nation state system and the old empire system of imperialist financial cartels.
Today in 2014, humanity faces a new world depression, while every category of infrastructure in our nation and many nations in the world are in an accelerating decline. Most important, the gainful employment necessary for successful family formation is rapidly becoming the American dream of the past.
A worldwide parasitical bubble created through the deregulation of financial derivatives is directly causing this collapse of our civilization and budget cutting austerity is now being offered as the primary solution. Continuing cuts to Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other social safety net programs will directly cause a dramatic rise in our nation’s death rate and are becoming the final assault on the constitutional nation state system.
1971 began a new era in financial deregulation that would eventually lead to the current collapse of our civilization. In 1984, a few historians and economists recognized this destructive change and called for a new Bretton Woods monetary conference.
In 1984, in Washington D.C., I pledged with hundreds of other United States patriots to dedicate my life to the establishment of a new monetary system based on the “promotion of high rates of technological progress in developing the productive powers, conditions of life, and culture of populations.” This commitment led to publishing and distributing the United Alaska Campaigner economics newsletter for the past 30 years.
My current Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization series continues this commitment and is designed to give Alaska the physical and political ability to actively participate in a new international monetary system. This reform is premised directly on the admonitions of President John Quincy Adams, who most clearly identified the relationships necessary to make friends around the world, based on a “community of principles.”
Before starting Part 7a, a review of previous discussions and stated goals is necessary for those who have recently become interested in the United Alaska Campaigner project.
Previous issues of the United Alaska Campaigner newsletter identified the sale of state, municipal, and port authority infrastructure bonds directly to the United States Federal Reserve as Alaska’s primary political goal. Included in this goal are the demands that our federal government recriminalize and extract financial derivatives out of our FDIC insured banking system using the standards set by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act and the 1936 Commodity Exchange Act.
Alaskans will insure continued federal bond sales by prioritizing the creation of state bonds for the following categories of infrastructure and maintenance: bridges, dams, highways, roads, ports, railroads, pipelines, airports, ships, water systems, communication systems, agricultural structures, industrial productive capacity and technology, power production and distribution, schools, homes and hospitals.
To stop all budget cuts and prevent the loss of future revenue, Alaskans will demand a one percent Wall Street sales tax, with a one million dollar per year per person exemption for individual investors, to curb high speed gambling by financial cartels and fully fund state and federal budgets.
The overall goal is to fundamentally change state and federal government relations by developing a programmatic long-term approach for increasing productivity, productive capacity and living standards.
Infrastructure goals include building the Nawapa Susitna dams, a large diameter instate gas pipeline and related propane-LNG productive capacity, rebuilding dilapidated refineries and pipelines, new statewide electrical transmission systems, new marine highway system, new septic and water systems, new fish ladders and hatcheries, new highway and railroad bridges, including the “Railroad Around the World” road to Nome development corridor.
Industrial goals include building bridge-crane industrial parks in the Port MacKenzie District that will establish an electric-arc continuous casting rebar steel plant, steel recycling plant, automobile shredder and sorting plant, primary reduction and feeder plant, solid and stranded wire plant, concrete plant, aluminum plant, fluids recycling plant, wood products plant, and rebar bending and coating plant.
Industrial science goals include developing technologies that are complementary for both resource development and capital goods industry. Only heavy industrial plasma processing technologies have that potential therefore must receive the greatest funding over the longest period of time.
To introduce advanced industrial technologies and promote the creation of new industries, Alaskans will require federal dollars for building a high-energy plasma physics prototype institute at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
Economic goals include promoting technologies and infrastructure investments that create employment and raise living standards by increasing per capita and per square mile energy-flux- density and work-flux-density.
Employment goals include recruiting and educating a new industrial labor force through the process of unloading and recycling scrap steel products from all Alaskan villages, municipalities, oil and gas facilities, mine sites, and military site —with all scrap to be delivered to the Port MacKenzie District.
The recommended 50-year mission for the Alaskan economy is to create the industries, machine tools, entrepreneurship, practical skills, and educational levels necessary to establish Alaska as a major producer of construction and aerospace materials and fuels technology to establish future participation in space colonization.
Educational goals include requiring the teaching of the anti-Euclidian geometry of Carl Gauss in all Alaskan high schools and demanding zero interest rate Federal Reserve student loans, and United States Treasury currency student grants, to promote the education of our citizens.
Fiscal goals include repealing any state industrial tax reduction that does not require an absolute maximum value or a reciprocal guarantee to increase productivity, efficiency, productive capacity, throughput, reliability, infrastructure, local hire, safety, healthcare, environmental enhancement, employee income, remediation or maintenance.
Land use goals include participating with our federal government to create a new Alaska Homestead Act that prioritizes the road to Nome development corridor and includes Alaska Native Corporations.
This issue of the United Alaska Campaigner continues the Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization series with Part 7a focusing on the continuing development of Alaska’s government and business relationships in the Asian Pacific region.
This feature article is based on the economic method historically known as the American System of political economy that was used to mobilize for the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the industrialization of Japan, and the development of the United States as an agricultural industrial superpower.
Part 7a begins by framing the issue of government and business relations in a true historical epistemology, then highlights several historical friendships with Pacific region nations and the United States.
Part 7a includes recommended solutions focused on inspiring Alaskan friendships through the mutual fostering of science, technology, education, trade agreements, and financial credit. Future articles will add to Alaska’s list of historical and future friendships in the Pacific region.
This issue of the United Alaska Campaigner is, once again, an important historical document and must be considered required reading for all public policy officials or anyone who plans to vote in the State of Alaska.
Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization:
Part 7a, Alaska’s Friends in the Pacific Basin
Alaska’s participation in a new community of principles must begin with understanding the dynamic battle between the modern nation state system of constitutional democratic republics and the old empire system of imperialist financial cartels.
For over two thousand years, maybe longer, oligarchic interests have been challenged by the higher aspirations of humanity. Natural law principles such as liberty, justice, equity, posterity, love and freedom drive the reforms that attempt to improve our old self-destructive political and economic systems.
Most reforms fall short of their goals, yet the seeds are once again planted that will hopefully grow into a new and more successful reform in the future. Today those seeds are growing again and Alaska has a new opportunity to participate in a new community of principles.
This new community must confront the deregulation that has created the giant worldwide gambling debt that is crushing financial credit for investments in physical production and infrastructure on a global scale. This new community must also cooperate in identifying the government and business relationships necessary to advance new technologies and infrastructure that raise productivity and living standards.
Alaskans have an important role to play in this new community of principles, but first we must clearly understand the nature of the problem.
The nations of the world are now in a “capital strike” period caused directly by a massive parasitical bubble in financial derivatives that were strictly illegal between 1946 and 1982. The United States Federal Reserve, in a policy known as QE3, is supporting this multi quadrillion-dollar bubble through massive increases in money supplies in a policy that is most accurately described as “enforced devaluation.”

John Quincy Adams: sixth President of the United States, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, U.S. Secretary of State, served as a diplomat negotiating many international treaties, and drafted the Monroe Doctrine.
The QE3 policy of the United States Federal Reserve continues to hyper inflate money supplies around the world to maintain this gambling bubble in a policy that restricts and crowds out investments in less profitable physical production.
The resulting dramatic declines in financial credit for agriculture, industry and infrastructure are now causing historic unemployment rates and collapsing living standards on a global scale. The world economy is now clearly in a world depression no matter how much lying and cheating is propagandized by oligarchic economists.
The problem is that political interests connected with the financial cartel system see this collapse as an opportunity to consolidate their power. They say their gambling debts must be paid to protect the “free market” and the nation state system that supports growing populations at a higher standard of living is not a workable solution for the future. A growing population has always been a threat to their power and now is the time to reset human populations to a much lower level.
What they are proposing is genocide through budget cutting austerity.
International banking cartels are now promoting “austerity enforcers” in every sector of our economy, including “emergency managers” to impose budget cuts to national, state, and municipal governments in order to continue providing tax cuts and subsidies to corporations that have their portfolios dominated by financial derivatives—while exclusively increasing national money supplies for the corrupt derivatives laden financial system.
Is this the end of the nation state system that protects human population’s material domestic interests? No. What the institutes and foundations connected to the financial oligarchy are not considering is that a few competent historians, economists and politicians will stand up to their lies and rally political movements around American System solutions, instead of budget cutting austerity. This is the purpose of the United Alaska Campaigner and is one facet of a worldwide campaign of like-minded thinkers to begin a new financial Jubilee.
Humanity has seen many Jubilees in history and genocidal budget cutting austerity is clearly the issue that can trigger a financial economic reform. The question is how to organize a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy and a long-term programmatic science and infrastructure-led recovery.
President John Quincy Adams has already helped with these questions through his expert advice on how to end slavery and how to make new friends and business partners around the world, based on the principles of reciprocity and mutual interest. Taking his advice we will explore the history and potential for new business and industrial relations with Alaska and three of the long-term friends of the United States in the Pacific Basin: Japan, Russia and the Philippines.
The history of United States and Japanese friendship begins with Commodore Matthew Perry’s visits to Japan in the 1850s. After these visits, Japan began strong government and business relations with the United States most closely during, and after, President Lincoln’s administration during the 1860s.
Following Hamiltonian American System economics, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Erasmus P. Smith and Henry C. Carey played major roles in teaching Japan how to industrialize and modernize before and during the Meiji Restoration. Japan was started on the path to becoming a fully participating member of the constitutional nation state system.
Unfortunately, British Empire financial interests usurped the economic and diplomatic role of the United States and used the teachings and educational systems of the British East India Company to convince Japan to bring its imperialist factions into power, and follow an anti-United States policy. The industries built in friendship were eventually used to produce the war material used against the United States in World War II.
After the horrific war, General Douglas MacArthur rebuilt the good relations that had previously flourished and the American System, once again, formed the foundation of friendship. A “priority production system” for the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, as an essential feature of the Bank of Japan, was formed to promote the “science of technology.” Government, industry, finance and education were brought together to choose catalyst industries and technologies to project labor productivity and bring Japan back into the modern world of the nation state system.
In recent years, Japan offered to revive the American System through such proposals as the Mitsubishi Global Infrastructure Fund but the United States, once again, began falling prey to British imperialist propaganda and stood in opposition to reform with the xenophobic “there will be no new Japans.”
Today, Japan stands trapped in a no-win entropic economic policy most accurately described as “competitive devaluation.” Their currency is being hyper inflated to maintain exports and derivatives contracts, but many Japanese would prefer to revive the Global Infrastructure Fund proposal that is also manifesting itself in the Asian Development Bank, BRICS Development Bank (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and Inter-American Development Bank.
Before considering the banking reform, let us Alaskans first consider friendships through mutually shared interests. The fact is that Japan has been politely requesting liquid natural gas (LNG) from Alaska for many years through the lifting of United States export restrictions.
These requests set the stage for new business relationships because Alaska requires certain priority technologies from Japan—Alaska requires robotic manufacturing components for our future plasma processing industries and Japan is currently the world master of robotic technology.
Japan’s Kobe Steel Corporation’s Midrex division is one of the initial keys to making this relationship work. Midrex Technologies representatives should be invited to hold a permanent chair at our university and give presentations at our new Engineering and Industry Building at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
Recent engineering investments at our university can be the beginning of a new era in economic development through the multinational mutual fostering of science. These investments are a good start to reapplying the historical lessons of Japanese American government and business friendships. Hopefully the Alaska Legislature and our Congressional delegation will finally recognize the absolute requirement for establishing a plasma physics institute at UAA.
One of the lessons taught to us through the history of Japan is that the advancement of science and technology to create jobs requires more than just university research. The long-term advancement of our economy requires promoting and expanding the mission of financial institutions like the Asian Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of the United States for loan guarantees and creating credit for physical production.
Alaska’s direct participation in the Global Infrastructure Fund and the Asian Development Bank can be mutually beneficial for creating relationships that stand the test of time. Identifying new mega infrastructure projects, such as the Kra Isthmus Canal across Thailand or a large diameter instate gas pipeline in Alaska to support the LNG requirements of our Asian neighbors are two of the projects that can create the political friendships necessary for establishing the successful creation of financial credit over many years.
New friends are easy to find and old friends come to visit more often when mutual interests create the common bond of relationships. I believe Alaskans must actively seek our polite Japanese neighbors and make offers of mutual interest.
Republic of the Philippines
Alaskans can also work to continue developing friendships that will help heal the wounds of past misunderstandings. Alaskans have the ability to continue improving Japan’s relationship with the Philippines through participating in Asian Development Bank and Global Infrastructure Fund development projects.
The Philippine people have a culture to be respected. Their natural friendliness, hospitality and strong family commitments are admired worldwide. Add to these qualities their general ability to speak and write English, their long-term investments into health care education, and their small business entrepreneurial passion, and Alaskans have the potential for long-lasting government, business and family friendships.
General Douglas MacArthur promised to return to the Philippines and he made good on that promise. Today, Filipinos overwhelmingly support American friendships. Filipinos are now the second largest Asian group in the United States and one half of Alaska’s Asian community.
Considering the Philippines in our new community of principles requires looking into mutual shared interests. Some of the problems facing the Philippines include a disorganized construction management system, underdeveloped oil and gas potential, and the crushing transportation and water management crisis in Metro Manila. Add to these problems a lack of oil and gas extraction technology and Alaskans have the potential for mutual interests.
Alaskans have the ability to participate in the economic development of the Philippines and in return they can help to provide for the shortage of doctors and nurses in Alaska through integrating with our university’s biomedical research, and through helping to develop Alaskan students into health care professionals.
Alaskans learning from and participating in Philippine culture through health care integration will bring our government and business friendships to new levels of understanding. Together our economies will be stronger.
Alaskan construction management, oil field management, and engineers should look to the Philippines and the Asian Development Bank, and Japan’s International Cooperation Agency for future contracts. Many transportation and water management tunnels must be built in Manila and construction safety, engineering, and employment payment methods are still inferior to modern standards.
Alaskans can bring modern construction standards to our friends in the Philippines. Alaskans helping to build new transportation and water management tunnel systems and introducing modern oil and gas field technologies in the Philippines can be feature projects for our mutual cooperation in strengthening the Asian Development Bank.
Another suggestion is to continue integrating our families. There are far too many lonely Alaskans of all races in Alaska. One trip to the Philippines can change their lives forever. Many Alaskans already know the comfort and happiness of a mixed Filipino and Alaskan family. With family integration comes business integration. Many small businesses in the Philippines await the sponsorship of a happy Alaskan Filipino family.
Most important for financial reform, Alaskan construction management can insure that bonding from the Asian Development Bank increases the money quantity of consumer demand through raising construction employment income. Today the wages in the Philippines are so low that many full-time workers cannot provide for their physical needs. The Asian Development Bank can help with this problem and Alaskans, and Alaska Native Corporations, can be part of the solution.

Abraham Lincoln, one of our most honored American System presidents, signed into law the National Banking Acts, Legal Tender Acts National Academy of Sciences Act, Land Grant College Act, Homestead Act, Railway and Telegraph Acts, and established the Department of Agriculture.
Japan’s relationship with the Philippines can continue to improve through Asian Development Bank infrastructure investments. Old conflicts are hard to reconcile but mutually shared interests can pave the way for healing while strengthening new relationships.
Alaskan and Japanese support for the Asian Development Bank can bring physical investments to many nations, including our friends and family in the Philippines. Integration of multiple economic sectors brings investment stability and long-term economic development that raises living standards, and maintains, and makes new friends.
Russian Federation
The Soviet Union was an Allied Power in World War II and except for the British initiated temporary aberration of the Cold War, what is now known as the Russian Federation has been a historical friend with the United States and a family member in Alaska for many years.
Beginning with Peter the Great’s founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1724, the potential was created for a long-term friendship with America. This potential was finally realized during the American revolutionary period when Catherine the Great and the League of Armed Neutrality shared the mutual opposition to the British East India Company and the imperialist policies of the British Empire.
The most important event in Russian American relations was the purchase of Alaska in 1867—that was made possible with the arrival of the Russian navel fleets into the New York Harbor and San Francisco Bay in 1863. This military action by tsar Alexander II was designed to warn Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell of the British Empire, and Napoleon III of France, to stop their support of the Confederacy and end their attempts to break up the United States.
The arrival of the Russian navel fleets became the military action that reaffirmed our strategic foundation of friendship and led to the purchase of Alaska. The mutual interest was that the Russians had not been able to project the required populations into North America necessary to maintain commercial and military installations, so Alaska was sold to the United States in the hope that no new British navel bases were built on the west coast of North America.

Today, political networks tied to the International Monetary Fund and the city of London’s Inter-Alpha Group of allied banks continue to threaten the Russian American strategic foundation of friendship. Their policy is austerity, psychological warfare “soft power” overthrow of Russian assets, and inequitable “nation killing” trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Their goal is to prevent nations from supporting new industries led by advanced industrial technologies from competing with archaic Wall Street and London-owned corporate assets.
Currently, eleven nations are succumbing to the “slave labor” Trans-Pacific Partnership. The reality is that these agreements are designed to prevent nations from following an energy intensive, capital intensive, and industrial technology intensive path of development while insuring that Wall Street and London-owned corporate assets continue providing subsidies to the worldwide derivatives market.
The fact is that no amount of national budget cutting or private corporate subsidies can increase the financial flows necessary to maintain the worldwide derivatives bubble. This bubble must be allowed to crash from its own weight of criminal corruption, while nations and entrepreneurship create new highly efficient industrial productive capacity that is free from self-destructive derivatives contracts.
The resurrection of the British Empire, in the disguise of the derivatives market, signals the time to identify a new global strategic community of principles.
Once again, our nation will look to Russia for help in protecting ourselves from the British Empire. Instead of the British directed Trans-Pacific Partnership, debt reduction that includes a multinational 15% reciprocal trade tariff, with customized exemptions, can be negotiated using the power of the friendship between the United States and the Russian Federation.
Reciprocal trade agreements, the BRICS Development Bank, and the expansion of new industries based on new technologies are essential keys for ending the City of London’s derivatives bubble grip on world finance. Alaska must be part of that new expansion and welcome Russian scientists to work on the new technologies necessary to make a new community of principles a long-term workable solution.
Russian science has two big advantages in the technologies necessary for Alaskan development. First, the huge investment into physical experimentation that was done during the decades of the Cold War advanced Russian scientists into world class physicists. Combine this advantage with the superior scientific methods of Russian physics and we have the most desirable partners for developing Alaska’s new plasma processing industries.
One of the major problems facing Alaskan students is the crippling affliction of the Newtonian Euclidian mindset that preprograms our students and professors into only applying axioms, definitions, and formulas to new and novel problems. This linear mathematical method has allowed for a few engineering achievements, but has proven itself absolutely incapable of solving fundamental paradoxes.
Solving the complex problems of physics necessary for developing Alaska’s plasma processing industries requires the superior “mindset of science” contained in the methods of Vladimir Vernadsky, Bernhard Riemann, Max Planck, Albert Einstein and Johannes Kepler that our Russian friends can provide to our students.
Introducing Russian scientists into our new UAA plasma physics institute creates a new strategic foundation of mutually shared interest between the Russian Federation and our nation. We must welcome Russian educators, scientists and engineers into our economy through our university system and most important, we must recognize that the people of the Russian Federation are part of our Alaskan family.
Many Alaskans of Russian descent live in Alaska today and Russian families can be proud that their heritage is continuing to create new employment through the mutual fostering of education and technology in the modern Alaskan economy.
Since the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences there have been many great Russian achievements in the advancement of civilization. Today, heavy industrial plasma processing represents a fundamental leap in technology for the world economy and Russian science can help Alaskans introduce many new industries based on new physical principles into the world’s productive capacity.
Someday in the future our new tunnel building experts, fresh from building water and transportation tunnels in Manila, Philippines, will have the opportunity to apply their new skills by helping our Russian friends and the BRICS Development Bank to build the Bering Strait Tunnel, as an essential feature of building the Railroad Around the World development corridor.
Mega projects funded by our newly reorganized credit institutions can help us make new friends and maintain old friendships because we are valuing the development of the human creative potential through mutually shared advancement. Let us continue to work on and apply this lesson with our Russian friends, families and neighbors.
A vision for the future
Economic depressions have come and gone hundreds of times in history and eventually economic systems are reformed—usually after or during a genocidal war, but why do we go through this totally unnecessary cataclysm?
Today, the monetary policy of the United States Federal Reserve that is known as QE3 is obviously not working. Attempts to “taper” this policy are now causing an even more rapid decline of the world economy. There is a better way, and many know about this method because this issue is central to the economic history of the United States. That method is known as the American System and today that system is manifesting itself in a science and infrastructure-led recovery.
Our nation and the nations of the world must, once again, return to the American System and create a new community of principles if we are to survive as members of the nation state system. Do we really want to continue using the failed policies taught by the heirs of the British East India Company in the 21st century?
Let us renew the American dream by breaking our minds free from the teachings and educational systems that have caused so much human suffering and death. Budget cutting austerity is killing our people, crashing our economy, lowering humanity’s potential to survive, destroying our natural world and making war more likely.
Let us grow the seeds of reform that help to develop human creativity, improve living standards and allow our natural world to be healthy with abundant life. We can create jobs, make friends and improve nature all at the same time.
The Chapter 11-style financial reform that has been talked about now for over thirty years has always had as its goal the building of fresh water management systems on a global scale. Without clean water all life will eventually fail. Alaskans have an important role to play in this reform.
It will be Alaskan plasma processing industries that will be creating jobs and providing the construction materials and clean fuels to build these projects. Alaskans will help lay the foundations for the future while we make friends and integrate our families in the Pacific region.
Growing populations require financial credit for physical production and Alaskan family and business friendships can be part of the solution for advancing the Asian Development Bank, Global Infrastructure Fund and BRICS Development Bank into multi-trillion dollar organizations that bring a higher standard of living to our friends and family in the Pacific Basin.
The vision for the future is to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to make a contribution of lasting value and where the nation state system finally ends the manipulations of financial oligarchies that always result in continuing warfare.
John Quincy Adams worked to “bring about a day prophesied when slavery and war shall be banished from the face of the earth.” This great man contributed to the harmony of humanity by teaching us how to have better relations with our friends and neighbors. His recommendations and admonitions must play a new role in Alaska’s future by laying the foundation for new American System reciprocal business and industrial relationships with Japan, Russia and the Philippines.
I have done my homework to the best of my ability and hope and pray I have contributed to ending the economic policies that increase the human death rate. A new world depression is absolutely unnecessary because history has taught us that programmatic solutions can create the gainful employment necessary to end the human suffering of a collapsing economy.
Our civilization, once again, requires a new Jubilee and today we stand on the edge of a new era in technology and investments into the infrastructure necessary for a better world and a higher standard of living for all humanity. Now let’s get to work.
Charles E. Duncan
PO Box 212706
Anchorage Alaska 99521
[email protected]