You are currently viewing The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Debt Ceiling Truth)

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Debt Ceiling Truth)

This film is sophisticated “British System” controlled opposition propaganda in support of the banking cartels. Their method is partial truth combined with a lack of practical solutions.

There are many lies in this video just like their website

First, our Constitution clearly states that Congress shall coin and regulate the value of our money. The potential still exists to nationalize the Federal Reserve in order to have a science and infrastructure led recovery based on the local decision making process of bonding. The purpose of this zero-interest rate bonding must be to increase productivity through building infrastructure and high-technology industrial manufacturing.

One of the requirements for the survival of humanity and our natural world is the building of water management systems across our planet. Our financial system must reflect this and other physical requirements for survival and prosperity.

Productivity and the penalization of gambling by financial cartels will pay for the debt.

If “our” Federal Reserve were to just be dissolved without an alternative credit creation method then Wall Street and Inter-Alpha allied banks would no longer have the potential for regulatory oversight by the constitutional nation state system. The financial oligarchy will once again have the total power that their reactionary politicians have been working toward over many years.

Sophisticated deception using educational institutions has always been one of the methods associated with the British and Dutch East India Companies. Don’t let this Internet video sidetrack you into supporting the cartel’s controlled opposition.

Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.