If the United States would “End the Fed” the financial oligarchy would have more control over finance not less control. Think about this critically and realize that the “End the Fed” movement is deception.
The Federal Reserve was founded in strict violation of the United States Constitution and continues to violate the principles of natural law that guided the founding of our nation.
The problem is that if the Federal Reserve were simply dissolved without any alternative credit creating mechanism the result would be to increase the power of the oligarchic financial cartels.
The result would be that the dollar would immediately cease to be the world reserve currency thus causing a dramatic reduction in the financial credit necessary to support world populations. Ending the Federal Reserve would ultimately lead directly to global genocide and global war.
The solution is to reform the Federal Reserve in a way that creates the function of a national bank. The key concept to understand is that this new national bank must prioritize the local decision making process. This mechanism already functionally exists through the bonding process of state, municipal, private, and port authority bonding.
The method already available is for “our” Federal Reserve to open a new “zero interest rate” discount window for the purchase of bonds that comply with the “Glass-Steagall standard” established in 1933.
This one policy change will be the legal precedent necessary to transform the world economy and will lead directly to a science and infrastructure led recovery based on a financial jubilee for all nations of the world.
Do not be deceived by the “End the Fed” movement, this is the propaganda of the oligarchy.