The current effort to overthrow the Syrian government as a feature of the “war on terror” doctrine continues the rejection of President John Quincy Adams’ “community of principle” doctrine.
President Barack Obama’s “Overseas Contingency Operations,” most accurately known as a “perpetual warfare” doctrine is nothing but a continuation of the classic imperialism designed to end the nation state system of sovereign constitutional republics.
The fact is that the NATO directed foreign insurgents attempting to overthrow the Syrian government are being killed at a much higher rate than the recruitment rate. This will eventually lead to a military defeat of the insurgents unless the United States begins to provide air support through some kind of bombing campaign. This is the primary issue not the use of gas in warfare.
At this point in history, citizens must ask themselves if this is the direction our nation should take. President John Quincy Adams taught us how to make friends and allies around the world through diplomacy, the mutual fostering of science, and cooperation in the building of infrastructure that increases living standards and quality of life.
The problem is that our nation has forgotten how to regulate financial systems in order to achieve these goals and so the United States continues to violate his admonitions.
Do not underestimate the political consequences in the next election when this bombing ends up badly for humanity.
Now is the time to say no to the bombing of Syria.