What we must work on now is creating the political conditions necessary to give our future elected officials the ability to pass structural reforms to our financial system.

We are once again at a turning point in history. The question is whether the nations of the world will continue to massively subsidize the illegal gambling debts of international financiers or instead protect the physical requirements of human populations.

Wall Street politicians deregulated our financial system and now we are living in a collapsing civilization. These same politicians say we can no longer afford to have defined benefit retirements, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. What a scam!

The fact is that Wall Street pays almost no taxes, hyper-inflates our currency for gambling debts, teaches their stupid economic ideology in our colleges, and buys Republican and Democratic politicians.

Now is the time to be very direct with our politicians in public. Cut through the confusion and ask the direct questions necessary for the survival of our civilization.

Do you support a tax on Wall Street gambling? Do you support a new Glass-Steagall Act to extract derivatives out of our commercial banking system? Do you support the sale of state infrastructure bonds directly to our Federal Reserve?

Stand up and demand a Jubilee! If the politician can only offer budget cuts as a solution then do not vote for them.


Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.