Dissembling describes the presentation of facts in a way that is literally true but intentionally misleading. Dissembling is a more exact word for disguising or concealing true motives through trickery or deceitfulness. Many people call this method of dishonesty a “half-truth.”
By concealing facts and intentions, dissembling is currently being used as the primary method of committing the political frauds known as the “fiscal cliff” and “grand bargain.”
By attempting to explain fiscal policy outside the issues of history and monetary policy, reactionary Republicans and Wall Street Democrats think they can get reelected by appearing to do that which is necessary but in reality is what they think is required to receive political rank and campaign funding.
The true story is that the deregulation of finance has, once again, created a giant debt pyramid that is consuming most of the available financial credit for the physical requirements of human populations. This process collapsed the tax revenue bases of governments around the world and now budget cutting, that will dramatically increase the human death rate, is being offered as the primary solution.
The fact is that the world economy has been through this process many times in history; financial oligarchies use their gambling debts in an attempt to consolidate their power over subjected populations and then civilization counter attacks with a “Jubilee” reform.
Of course it is not that simple, generally this process involves horrific war and decades long suffering. The last Jubilee reform period was after World War I and during World War II. The world’s financial system was reformed yet still held the seeds of destruction that would grow again after the memory of the terrible pain and suffering was erased from current political culture.
The fact is that the United States Federal Reserve is massively subsidizing financial instruments that were outlawed by the 1936 Commodities Exchange Act. The fact is that we are wrecking our currency and intentionally wrecking the currencies of other nations in order to continue funding the worldwide derivatives gambling debts of “Old World” financial cartels.
The primary question of our time is whether our politicians will lead the world into a new Jubilee reform before the genocidal injustice of financial oligarchies leads the world back to global depression and global war.
The principles of a new Jubilee are clearly identified on my Facebook timeline but let me summarize again:
*Recriminalize and extract financial derivatives out of our commercial banking system using the 1936 Commodities Exchange Act and the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act.
*Require our Federal Reserve to purchase state bonds for building infrastructure like bridges, dams, highways, railroads, water systems, agricultural structures, industrial productive capacity and technology, power production and distribution, schools and hospitals.
*Pass a one percent Wall Street sales tax on financial transactions, with a one million dollar per year per person exemption for individual investors, to curb high speed gambling by financial cartels and fully fund state and federal budgets.
*Build a high-energy plasma physics institute at the University of Alaska Anchorage to introduce advanced industrial technologies and create new industries and new employment.
Now let me be plain with my words; dissembling is a method of lying. No cuts to any budget are necessary with these reforms. If you fail to include workable solutions in your discussion then you are lying.
Become an advocate of a new Jubilee and the voters will reward you with their support. Voters are what will determine your political rank and campaign funding.