Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization
Review and introduction to part 4
Previous issues of the United Alaska Campaigner identified heavy industrial plasma processing directed toward strategic and construction materials
production as the primary focus of state funded technological advancement. The creation of a strategic and construction materials plasma physics prototype institute at the University of Alaska Anchorage was recognized as an essential feature of this industrial science policy.
Infrastructure goals include building the Nawapa Susitna dams, a large diameter instate gas pipeline, new highway and railroad bridges including the Railroad Around the World development corridor, new septic and water systems, and new fish ladders and hatcheries.
Industrial goals include building bridge-crane industrial parks in the Port MacKenzie District that will establish an electric-arc continuous casting rebar steel plant, steel recycling plant, automobile shredder and sorting plant, primary reduction and feeder plant, solid and stranded wire plant, concrete plant, aluminum plant, fluids recycling plant, and rebar bending and coating plant.
Economic goals include promoting technologies and infrastructure investments that create employment and raise living standards by increasing per capita and per square mile energy-flux-density and work-flux-density.
Employment goals include recruiting and educating a new industrial labor force through the process of unloading and recycling scrap steel products from all Alaskan villages, municipalities, oil and gas facilities, and military sites.
The recommended 50-year mission for the Alaskan economy is to create the industries, machine tools, practical skills, and educational levels necessary to establish Alaska as a major producer of construction and aerospace materials technology to establish future participation in space colonization.
Educational goals include requiring the teaching of the Synthetic (anti-Euclidian) geometry of Carl Gauss in all Alaskan high schools.
This issue of the United Alaska Campaigner will continue the Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization series with part 4 focusing on economic history. This feature article is a direct continuation of the analysis in the 2011 FCIC Financial Crisis Inquiry Report on the causes of the financial and economic crisis in the United States. Part 4 introduces historical epistemology to the FCIC “Angelides Report” by emphasizing how the resurrection of oligarchic Old World financial cartel speculation is directly causing the current onrushing world depression.

Part 4 ends with recommended solutions and Alaska’s role in ending the world depression. A brief history of the United Alaska Campaign follows.
This issue of the United Alaska Campaigner is, once again, an important historical document and must be considered required reading for all public policy officials or anyone who plans to vote in the State of Alaska.
Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization
part 4; Ending the world depression
Ending the world economic depression must begin with a lesson in historical epistemology. We must have a method of understanding historical dynamics that allows us to know what the fight for the survival for civilization is all about.
For thousands of years the oligarchic principle has dominated political relations. This principle is based on a conception of humanity as having no creative potential for participating in the continuing process of creation. In the oligarchic empire system most humans are treated as animals who are to be enslaved or mass murdered through continuous warfare to ensure the power of the ruling elite. Humanity is to be kept ignorant, indebted, impoverished, superstitious or hooked on drugs to prevent the masses from rising against the dominant oligarchy. True scientific methods are barred or restricted from use and fake science is actively promoted for general consumption.
A few times in history this oligarchic principle has been challenged with the principle of republicanism. The Golden Renaissance in Europe and the creation of the United States are classic examples of attempts to end the power of oligarchy.
Republicanism is based on a conception of humanity that derives from natural law principles like liberty, justice, equity, posterity, dignity, love, truth, tranquility and freedom. The origin of the nation state system of democratic constitutional republics is based on these natural law principles. The economic system of republicanism is historically known as the American System of political economy.
The civilizational battle between these two diametrically opposed conceptions of humanity and the methods of political organization that derive from these conceptions is recognized as the universal theory of historical epistemology known today as oligarchy versus republicanism.
The forces of republicanism and oligarchy have made many attempts in history to eradicate each other but the reality is that the world has been ruled by the oligarchic empire system for thousands of years and the primary methods of control have always been deception and war. From the Delphic method of obscuring the knowledge of truth during the Roman Empire to teaching British System economics in modern classrooms today, the oligarchic principle still dominates political relations.
What became known as the American System of political economy was founded by Alexander Hamilton and is the true anti-oligarchic heritage of our nation’s economic system. Alexander Hamilton challenged the old imperial system and Aaron Burr, an agent of the British Empire, killed him. Many lies have been told about Hamilton, including that he was an elitist who admired the British System, but over the years the fact remains that his system has proven itself many times in history. The United States became the world’s most powerful agro-industrial superpower because of the American System
The most important distinction between the American and British Systems are their irreconcilable intentions. Hamilton’s American System was designed specifically to protect the interests of citizens as the United States Constitution defines those interests. The British System was designed specifically to protect the interests of the financial oligarchy sitting behind the imperialist British Empire.
Sadly, the United States tends more toward the American System only during war mobilizations and periods of depression. In periods of depression or war the United States will return to Hamilton’s system to win wars and reverse depressions then gradually revert to the imperialist oligarchic policies of the British System. After a reform our country will slowly slip back into destructive economic practices, eventually falling back into those policies that the American Revolution was fought against.
Hamilton’s American System
Beginning in 1790s the American System of political economy was founded with the writing of Alexander Hamilton’s reports to Congress on the subjects of public credit, a national bank, and manufactures.
Alexander Hamilton’s reports were written to counteract the teaching of what would become known as “Classical economics” that was providing the intellectual foundation for the employees and subjected populations of the British and Dutch East India Companies. The continuing economic history of the United States is the dynamic battle between these two irreconcilable methods of political economy. Anyone who describes this dynamic battle in political economy as right versus left, or capitalism versus socialism, or conservative versus liberal, is either ignorant of the true nature of this dynamic battle or is lying to protect the British System.
Understanding economics in the context of American System versus British System is the method that contains the historically true epistemology of oligarchy versus republicanism and is therefore the best way to explain political economy and get past the intentional lies. Controlling the underlying assumptions of the decision making process has always been the primary function of intelligence agencies and teaching false epistemologies in science, mathematics, history and economics is the core issue of oligarchic power.
Simply stated, the anti-oligarchic American System is the cooperation between entrepreneurship, industry, private ownership, and public investment to further the goals of the United States Constitution. The American System promotes regulated national banking, public investment into infrastructure, government sponsored research and development, emergency mobilizations, protection of manufactures against financial warfare, and reciprocal trade and tariff agreements. In the American System, increases in the money supply are restricted to those things that make society more productive in the future.
The British System, including Classical, Neoclassical, Keynesian, Austrian, Libertarian and Marxism, is most directly described as a sophisticated method of justifying the entropic and predatory categories of investment of the Old World empire system of financial oligarchy. Keep in mind that John Maynard Keynes, a supposed reformer of Neoclassical economics, never challenged the financial cartel system by advocating sovereign constitutional control over increases in the money supply. In the British System, increases in the money supply are primarily speculative and inflationary not productive.

The economic truth is that the financial predators in the British System always prefer to speculate and destroy because the financial profits from physical production are a fraction of the potential profits compared to gambling. This is the primary reason for American System regulations and why most propagandists for the British System claim there can never be a distinction made between speculation and production. The history lesson here is to never trust a British System “free-trade” economist who is employed by a financial institution or has a pedigree from an Ivy League school.
Recent economic history
The 2011 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) report clearly identifies the “systemic breakdown in accountability and ethics” that economic
historians will identify as Old World oligarchic financial methods.
The dramatic resurrection of these oligarchic methods is the direct cause of the wreaking of our nation’s physical economy.
Every category of infrastructure in our nation is now either beyond its design life, near the end of its design life, or beyond its capacity due to population pressures. Our bridges, dams, highways, railroads, power production and distribution, industries, water management, agricultural structures, hospitals, and schools are all in a decades long decline while our industries continue to be exported to cheap labor markets.
The human cost is even greater with homelessness rapidly expanding while true unemployment is at levels not seen since the Great Depression.
We must accept the fact that we, once again, have wrecked our physical economy and collapsed our productive tax revenue base by resurrecting the speculative and predatory methods of British System financial oligarchy. Tragically, as the historical leader of the Westphalian nation state system, the decline of the United States is now bringing on a global collapse in world production that can only end in a new horrific world depression that could forever end the nation state system of democratic republics.
The 1930s world depression had been reversed by Hamiltonian mobilizations and regulations in spite of the 1913 loss of sovereignty to the financial cartels at the creation of the Federal Reserve System. Increases in the U.S. money supply were still being directed toward the speculative and parasitical preferred categories of investment inherent within our cartel dominated Federal Reserve but the new regulations and mobilizations had allowed for the productive credit creation necessary to win World War II.
We came out of the last depression using Hamiltonian methods but the United States still had a parasitical monetary system in violation of American System principles.
The root of the current problem began at the end of World War II when President Harry Truman acted, with the British, to save the global empire system of financial cartels by rejecting the “American Century” foreign policy perspective of President Franklin Roosevelt and reasserting the old imperialist “balance of power” methods that were now called the Cold War. President Harry Truman had rejected President John Quincy Adams’ “community of principle” doctrine of the Westphalian nation state system in favor of fighting the false battle with communism.
The new oligarchic lie was now set in world politics that the primary battle in civilization was the fight between capitalism versus communism. The old oligarchic lie could now be continued that nation state rivalry was the cause of general warfare not the real power of oligarchic manipulation pitting them against each other.
The real intent and end result of the Cold War genocide process was to preserve the old colonial system in a more modern and efficient form currently called “the market.” This decades-long process of preserving the old colonial system through continuous warfare also required the decades-long process of deregulation that i now in its end game of world depression and destruction of the nation state system.
One of the major turning points in deregulation occurred in 1971 when President Richard Nixon ended the Bretton Woods System of fixed yet flexible exchange rates. In 1971, parts of the old British financial empire officially began calling itself the Inter-Alpha Group of allied banks at the same time the world economy had lost its weapon system against currency price speculation.
The next major move toward deregulation and world depression began in 1987, during the four terms of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. His tenure exposed our commercial banks to financial derivatives gambling that eventually rendered the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, that separated commercial and investment banking, effectively obsolete. This exposure would end up locking Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured banks into a giant financial debt bubble that had to grow more rapidly each day to maintain its existence.
Deregulation had allowed derivatives to be sold as a tool for insuring against financial risk that ultimately became the largest and most destructive financial bubble in world history. Derivatives began magically turning red ink into black ink and then began crowding out almost all remaining productive investment into the physical economy.

By 1999 the decades long process of deregulation had allowed the derivatives bubble to become so interlinked with commercial banking that President Bill Clinton was forced to legally reverse the Glass-Steagall Act thus allowing FDIC insured banks to be uncontrollably exposed to the gambling and speculation of investment banking.
Derivatives ultimately caused the death of the Glass-Steagall standard that established the legal precedent necessary to make the distinction between a speculative and productive investment.
Another important consideration during the post World War II period is that the extreme profits from the resurrection of the Old World financial empire were allowing the British System to assert almost total power and influence over the political processes within the United States. Today all we have for politicians are reactionary Republicans and Wall Street Democrats who are always looking for new ways to subsidize the Anglo-American financier empire and who will not dare challenge their ideological and financial masters.
Most important, financial interests behind this oligarchic empire have asserted their power through multi-billion dollar funding of institutes and foundations that influence elections, education and media. False historical epistemologies such as right versus left, or capitalism versus socialism, or conservative versus liberal now dominate almost all consideration. The job destroyers are now called the job creators, technologies that are inherently non-competitive against cartel owned modes of production are wildly promoted, and Hamiltonian American System solutions are absent from mainstream discussions.
Today the United States is hyper-inflating its currency in a futile attempt to bail out the largest international gambling debt in world history. Deregulation has created a giant financial debt bubble that is crowding out almost all available credit for the physical requirements of human populations. This decades long debt-pyramiding process has collapsed the productive tax revenue base to the point that our Congress is now dictating the austerity that will kill large numbers of United States citizens.
Instead of writing down debts and dissolving “too big to fail” banks to save humans, British System reactionaries providing political support for “the market” are now demanding the dissolution of many departments of government and the elimination of Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare thus continuing the decades long end game of destroying the nation state system.
Even more tragically, this is a process of genocide against global populations for the purpose of maintaining income flows to the international derivatives gambling debts. Taxpayers worldwide are now paying off private gambling debts through government bailouts while predatory debt-pyramiding, asset-stripping, and debt-for equity operations now dominate all world finance.
Today we are facing a horrific world depression with leading populations and institutions that basically do not have the historical and intellectual knowledge necessary to understand what the true political fight is all about.
The old empire system of imperialist financial cartels has come back to power and all the leading political discussions revolve around making excuses for the financial predators that are today worshiped as “the market.”
Contrary to what is being said in the dominant news media, there will not be a recovery of the world’s physical economy until we stop the bailouts that are turning international private gambling debt into taxpayer public debt. Attempts to pay these derivatives by hyper-inflating currencies, selling off state assets, and cutting budgets to increase financier subsidies are causing worldwide economic breakdown conditions that are now increasing the potential for global war.
World populations are not stupid and there are now continuing violent and aggressive protests against the injustice and poverty of a collapsing world system that could lead to world war. More important, understanding the oligarchic principle allows the seasoned historical observer to know that oligarchic forces will actually prefer global war to being reformed.
So far not one national leader who actually understands the dynamics of economic history has dared stand up to the Old World financial cartels that are now directly leading humanity into another horrific world depression and world war.
Ending Depression
Tragically, the solutions to this onrushing world calamity are straightforward once the true dynamics of history are understood and once the endless lies promoted by British System financial economists are rejected.
The problem is not overspending by governments; the problem is that the industrial tax revenue base collapsed due to “the market” turning predatory because of deregulation—at the same time unprecedented low corporate tax rates were enacted. Government, industry, agriculture and infrastructure have all been subjected to the hostile financial practices of the cartel dominate deindustrialization process.
The solution is to begin rebuilding the industrial tax revenue base through
productive employment by taking back Federal Reserve policy from the financial
syndicates that refuse to create productive credit for the physical requirements of
human populations.
The first step is to reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act in its original text to extract the self-destructive derivatives speculation out of our commercial banking system. This single act will immediately dissolve the City of London as a world financial center so fully expect British System economists and lobbyists to go absolutely insane. They need to be directly told that banks can either create productive credit or cease to exist.

Abraham Lincoln, one of our most honored American System presidents, signed into law the National Banking Acts, Legal Tender Act, Land-Grant College Act, Homestead Act, Railway and Telegraph Acts, and established the Department of Agriculture.
We are at a turning point in history; either dissolve some of the top Wall Street and Inter-Alpha Group allied banks or face the genocide of large sections of the human population due to a lack of financial credit for physical production. That is the choice. We are now in the end game of financial warfare directed against the nation state system. There is no turning back at this point; a package of reforms will need to be immediately enacted.
After reinstating Glass-Steagall, emergency liquidity must be immediately pumped into the economy by requiring our Federal Reserve to directly purchase state bonds. A Chapter 11-style reorganization of our Federal Reserve will follow that requires our new national bank to buy state and private bonds through a new productive discount window. This new window will create trillions of dollars in no-interest, 50–100-year maturities, credit for infrastructure, industry and agriculture, with an emphasis on science-driven increases in physical productivity.
Next, implement a full one percent Wall Street sales tax on all financial transactions, with an exemption for personal retirement accounts, to curb speculation and fully fund government budgets. Split the revenue evenly between federal and state governments and no budget cuts would be necessary with this single revenue source. This policy has the benefit of holding in check high-speed high-volume computerized trading while giving smaller investors, providing for their families and retirement, a competitive advantage.
Most important, reregulate markets by recriminalizing credit default swap derivatives while penalizing the process of securitization. Insurance without asset backing and the obscuring of private ownership have always been bad ideas. Clearly defined private ownership is one of the foundations of the American System.
The general principles to enact are the requirements that, increases in the money supply are to be restricted for those things that make our economy more productive in the future, and that fiscal policies must reward production and tax speculation at a higher rate.
The next step will be to immediately call for a new international 1944-style Bretton Woods Conference to create a new system of fixed yet flexible exchange rates.

New credit creation for physical production must dominate all reforms. New reciprocal trade agreements and great projects for water management, transportation and electrical production must be the main topics of discussion.
By recognizing derivatives as destructive gambling debts that are directly causing a world depression and possibly world war, the United States must lead international treaty agreements based on extracting derivatives and creating credit for a science-driven infrastructure led recovery.
The United States must lead Russia, China, India and many other nations in replacing the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization based on the 1933 Glass-Steagall standard and based on building great projects. By identifying great infrastructure projects so large that only a new financial system could fund them we can create a new strategic alliance that uses fixed exchange rates and excludes payments on derivatives obligations.
These are the solutions of the Hamiltonian American System of political economy; do not be fooled by those idiots who will scream socialism or fascism. Entrepreneurship, private profit generation, private ownership, and an independent market will still be intact; only the destructive forms of usury and corporate syndicate criminality will be extracted. Alexander Hamilton’s American System will once again usher in a new era in physical production that dramatically raises the living standards for all human civilization.
The austerity of budget cutting will never solve the problem of derivatives gambling debts. International agreements to criminalize financial warfare methods such as the use of credit default swap derivatives are the solution that Alexander Hamilton would recommend if he were alive today. Those ignorant politicians who run their campaigns on budget cutting or simplistic slogans for tax cuts will have to lose elections.
Politicians must be publicly reminded that the pathetic 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill stands today as an embarrassment to the actual reforms required to stop the destruction of our economy caused by financial derivatives gambling. Additional, designed to fail, attempts to only regulate derivatives, slowly de-leverage investment banking, end rogue trading, or require independent rating and verification of assets and liabilities will not solve the core problem of the collapse of productive credit due to the destructive nature of massive worldwide derivatives obligations.
Derivatives must be extracted not just regulated. A world economy based on destroying industries, shutting down production, selling off state assets, and cutting government budgets to increase payments on derivatives contracts can never survive.
Alaska’s role in ending world depression
It is now up to the activist historians and American System economists living today to teach citizens how to put the world economy back together again. This is the role of the United Alaska Campaign. Alaskans must act together with other United States citizens to protect our nation and the world community from the destructiveness of derivatives gambling and unite under the banner of a science-driven infrastructure led recovery.
As previously stated in detail, Alaskans have a unique opportunity to be a major player in helping to unite a new strategic alliance that forms a new financial architecture by promoting the Railroad Around the World development corridor through Alaska. This is one of the long-term goals for humanity that will challenge the world’s financial system to create credit for a science and infrastructure led recovery.
Alaska must also play an important role in the advancement of science because Alaskans, as United States citizens, have the political power to access restricted technologies through our university system that no other nation has. Our employment mobilization is not just to create jobs for Alaskans; this is participating in the fight for the survival of civilization. My plan, if I can convince Alaska’s political establishment, is to someday have Alaskan heavy industrial plasma processing technologies dominate manufacturing on a global scale.
This is potentially one of the most powerful technologies ever known to humanity because investments into heavy industrial plasma processing will not only enhance the competitiveness of existing and future industries, including oil and gas, it will establish the machine tool platform necessary to someday create the “fusion torch,” thus redefining the usable resource base for all humanity.
The readers of the first three parts of the Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization series will already know that the industries and technologies recommended here are based on understanding the physics of the science of technology. The readers of part 4 will know that the financial reforms recommended are based on an historical epistemology that allows for an understanding of who is fighting and why.
Civilization now requires a return to the true anti-oligarchic American System of political economy to end onrushing world war and world depression. We must face the fact that ending this potential global tragedy requires an end to the old British financial empire if there is to be a new era in physical production that insures the survival of the nation state system and dramatically raises the living standards for all human civilization.
Brief history of the UAC
It has now been 28 years since I began the United Alaska Campaign. As an activist historian with a lifelong commitment to the study of economics and industrial science I believe it is my role to clearly explain current historical dynamics and offer programmatic solutions. This has always been the goal of my United Alaska Campaign.
My campaign began in 1984 when I ran for the Alaska State House and with the publication of the first edition of the United Alaska Campaigner. Over the years I participated in many campaigns and fundraising events including running for the Alaska State Senate in 1986, founding and chairing the limited political party; Independents for Economic Recovery, and founding and chairing Anchorage Pathway Loop.
During this time I met with many political leaders to discuss economic development and financial reform, attended hundreds of public events to pass out thousands of copies of the United Alaska Campaigner, published over 50 letters to the editor and Compass articles, gave press conferences and speeches, guest lectured at the University of Alaska, testified to the Alaska Legislature, and appeared on television on various occasions. Many of my current articles are available on my Facebook wall and notes and I welcome all Alaskans to friend me and join the fight for Alaska.
Over the years I have written over one hundred major articles and my collected works are titled The American System of Political Economy in Establishing Alaska’s Industrial Science Policy.
My greatest criticism has come from those critics who say my program for Alaska is unrealistic because of my advocacy of future space colonization. I understand how forward thinking this must appear to many people but I stand by my policy of preparing the Alaskan economy for future participation in starship construction. Most species that have lived on this planet are now extinct and the ultimate survival of humanity is not guaranteed. The cultural effects of this policy are what will inspire our youth to value and develop their creativity today while preparing to live on other worlds will help prepare humanity for the next challenge that will increase our ability to survive as a species.
One of my greatest joys in life has been to live and tour extensively in Alaska during my 33 years of Alaska residency and employment in Alaska’s construction industry. As a union Ironworker I became one of Alaska’s leading experts on industrial bridge-crane building design and construction.
Today I am no longer physically competitive for the construction industry and I am now seeking employment to further the goals of the United Alaska Campaign and support my family. If you know of a position that would provide good health care for my children or you want to discuss topics, contact me and let’s have lunch. Additional copies of the United Alaska Campaigner are available for mass distribution.
Charles E. Duncan
PO Box 212706
Anchorage AK 99521
[email protected]