Thank you Ken Winterberger and Steve Haycox, yes we will see how Alaska’s new Senator Dan Sullivan will represent the oligarchy.
What is interesting is that Sullivan’s family ties indicate he represents the increasingly rare industrial faction of the oligarchy in the United States. This is a faction that has diminished in its political power because of the increasing dominance of the rentier finance faction that has its portfolios almost exclusively exposed into financial derivatives.
The connection to physical reality of the industrial faction of the oligarchy puts Senator Dan Sullivan in a special position in history. The massive worldwide financial derivatives bubble is absolutely parasitical to physical production and therefore causes a major conflict with the industrial faction of the global oligarchy.
The question facing Senator Sullivan is whether, at some point in time, he will break with the derivatives dominated oligarchy to protect his own industrial faction. Don’t get me wrong here this writer supports manufacturing and the high-income employment from producing physical products and infrastructure but I have a basic understanding of the dynamics of financial warfare.
We will watch to see if Senator Sullivan breaks with the derivatives faction and works toward the following policies: extracting financial derivatives out of our commercial banking system using the old Glass-Steagall Act, a 15% trade tariff, a 1% Wall Street sales tax, and the sale of state, municipal and port authority infrastructure bonds to a new Federal Reserve discount window.
With these policies maybe, just maybe, Senator Sullivan’s future history will be written not as an oligarch, but as a representative of our democratic republic.