Now that the new United States president has identified his economic priorities; Alaskans must clearly identify our list of priorities in the face of the onrushing world depression.

The Wall Street agenda for Alaska that includes personal taxes, destructive budget cuts, and confiscation of the Permanent Fund Dividend are not solutions when Alaskans can learn how to access the same financial methods that are continuing a trillion-dollar bailout of Wall Street asset prices.

The following list of priorities based on the traditional American System of political economy has been developed from the 10-part series, Alaska Emergency Employment Mobilization:

  1. Collateralize state, municipal, private, and port authority bonds to sell as packages to the Federal Reserve for cash to be deposited into the State of Alaska general fund to more than compensate for the current budget deficit.
  • Create the Alaska State Bank as a special depository and or primary dealer bank that leverages credit creation in its relationship with the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve.
  • Develop new relationships with the United States Congress and the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets to leverage 3 to 5 billion dollars per year into our new state bank and State of Alaska general fund—to be used for building the Susitna hydroelectric power project, Nome to Canada railroad, Alaska Marine Highway, strategic materials and clean fuels production, and hundreds of small and medium sized infrastructure and productive capacity projects in Alaska.
  • Begin a state-wide steel recycling mobilization through unloading and cleaning up Alaska villages, municipalities and military, port, railroad and oil facilities—with all materials to be delivered to Port MacKenzie for recycling into concrete reinforcing rebar for building power production and distribution systems, roads, bridges, ports, pipelines, manufacturing, oil, gas and mining facilities, and fresh and septic water systems.
  • Provide low interest productive capacity loans and grants for small business, industry, education, fishing, agriculture, healthcare, housing, science, and technology.

These priorities can begin the alternatives to the poverty and mass unemployment of the Wall Street agenda for Alaska as hard times on a global scale assault our state and nation.

There is no need for the human suffering of a new depression when the solution is to learn how to redirect the bailout of Wall Street gambling debts using noninflationary economic development methods.

Alaskans know how to prepare for survival and our survival strategy will be to create the financial mechanisms required to continue building the infrastructure and industries necessary for our grandchildren’s future.

Now is the time to create a new era in health and prosperity while cleaning up and protecting our natural world.

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Charles Duncan

Hi I'm Charles E. Duncan. As the primary author of the legislation to create the Alaska State Bank as a development bank. I am using this page to promote the financial instruments in Alaska necessary to access the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve discount windows and special lending facilities.